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Want to change the world? The biggest change starts at home. Sign up to H2FOZ and help build a better Foz do Iguaçu for everyone.

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ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – One-off payment.
R$ 34,80 (valid for 1 year)
Your support is essential to:

  • Keep content open for everyone;
  • Value local journalism;
  • Support the production of special reports.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – One-off payment.
R$ 58,80 (valid for 1 year).

Your support is essential to:

  • Keep content open to everyone.
  • Value local journalism.
  • Support the production of special reports.
  • Newsletter with a selection of the main news of the week.
  • Exclusive group for subscribers on WhatsApp.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – One-off payment.
R$ 82,80 (valid for 1 year).

Your support is essential to:

  • Keep content open to everyone.
  • Value local journalism.
  • Support the production of special reports.
  • Newsletter with a selection of the main news of the week.
  • Exclusive group for subscribers on WhatsApp.
  • H2FOZ CLUB – benefits and discounts in Foz do Iguaçu.

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Grampo Publishing Ltd.
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Why should I subscribe to H2FOZ?

Want to change the world? The biggest change starts at home. Sign up for the H2FOZ and help build a better Foz do Iguaçu for everyone.

Content open to everyone! O H2FOZ is a reference in journalism in Foz do Iguaçu. News, interviews, opinions and exclusive reports. Quality content in text, photos and videos.

Long live the Three Borders! The latest news from Foz do Iguaçu, Ciudad del Este, Puerto Iguazú and neighboring cities in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Relevant and credible information for you.

H2FOZ Advantages Club offers benefits in establishments in Foz do Iguaçu.

Savings for you. Enjoy discounts on purchases and services at companies in Foz do Iguaçu and the surrounding area. The savings easily pay for the subscription fee.

Ticket giveaways and promotions exclusive every month for participants of H2FOZ Advantages Club.