In 2025, Itaipu's Brazilian board of directors will sponsor 90 non-profit organizations in Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. The sponsorship will be for sporting events.
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Itaipu announces results of call for proposals for sponsorship of cultural projects
The selected institutions participated in a call for proposals launched by Itaipu at the end of last year. According to the binational company, the total investment earmarked for this area is almost R$3,5 million.
Among the beneficiaries is the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) of Foz do Iguaçu, which will receive R$30 for the project Apaexonados pelo Esporte – Olímpiada da Apae.
Itaipu's sponsorship aims to support initiatives that promote inclusion and social development. In the case of APAE in Foz do Iguaçu, the event will feature sports and recreational activities for people with multiple types of disabilities.
“Without Itaipu’s sponsorship, we would not be able to hold the Olympics now,” says Leonardo Corrêa Lugon, president of the entity, quoted by the plant’s press office.
APAE in Foz do Iguaçu serves almost 500 students in two educational units. In addition, it provides more than two thousand monthly health care services and is expanding its social assistance sector.
Other institutions benefiting from Itaipu's sponsorship include APAE in Dourados (MS), which will also receive R$30 to organize the APAE Special Olympics – Regional Edition.
Of the 90 entities included, seven are from Foz do Iguaçu, with funding of R$220; 16 from Curitiba, with R$710; eight from Marechal Cândido Rondon, with R$280; five from Pato Branco, with R$260; five from Londrina, with R$190; and others from cities located in the area of influence of the plant.
Notices published by Itaipu
According to Itaipu, the sponsorship selection process “was carried out through a public notice, ensuring transparency and compliance”.
Since the last quarter of 2024, the binational company has opened three public sponsorship selection notices.
The first of these was, precisely, sports, with a budget of R$3,5 million. The second covered cultural projects (R$3 million), while the third focused on fairs and exhibitions (R$3,5 million).
According to Itaipu, registrations for the first two have already closed, but the last one remains valid until January 31st. Registrations are available at www.itaipu.gov.br/sala-de-imprensa/patrocinios.
(With information from Itaipu Binacional)
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