Ibama opens 460 vacancies in competition with salaries of R$9,9 thousand

Registration is open until February 18, online, with tests scheduled for April.

Ibama (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) has opened 460 vacancies in a public competition, with salaries of R$9,9 thousand. notice was published this Friday, 24th, in the Official Gazette of the Union.

The opportunities are for analysts, with higher education, for 40 hours of work per week, distributed among the 27 units of the federation, being:

  • 130 vacancies: administrative analyst; and
  • 330 vacancies: environmental analyst.

The salary of R$9.994,60 for all positions includes the possibility of qualification. The additional amount ranges from R$464 to R$1.387, varying between courses ranging from specialization to doctorate.

As Registrations are open until February 18th, online, on the Cebraspe website, the organizing board. The fee is R$95, and payment can be made by means of a payment slip or PIX. It is possible to request exemption from payment, as long as the rules of the notice are met.

Important dates

The objective and discursive tests, of an eliminatory and classificatory nature, will be held on April 6, in the 26 state capitals and in the Federal District. There will be four hours and 30 minutes to complete the contest questions, as follows:

  • objective evidence: 50 items of basic knowledge and 70 of specific knowledge;
  • discursive test: essay of up to 30 lines, on the proposed topic, worth 20 points.

Individual consultation of the preliminary official answer sheets for the objective tests will be carried out and published online, starting at 19:8 p.m. on April 7. The publication of the final result of the objective tests and the provisional result of the discursive test is scheduled for May XNUMX.

(With information from Agência Brasil)

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